- Our client needed to use Siebel for mastering the mobile contracts for RES and SME customer which are currently mastered in BSCS.
- The client requested explicitly to have a rolling migration to be able to control and test the customers being migrated.
- Challenge: Migrate the customers from BSCS to Siebel using a rolling migration which allows the customers to be migrated without any service interruption.
Answer: Quadrica Migration
- It is designed to allow Siebel to call procedures in a new package in BSCS which controls the flow of migration
- A list of customer to be migrated can be selected according to different criteria to allow migration of group of similar customers and exclude products not yet supported in Siebel
- Contract details are sent to Siebel during migration as XML snapshot
- During the migration customers will not suffer of any service cut. No deactivation is sent to network
- To avoid customers and contract changes during migration a customers and contracts are locked before migration starts
- It is has extensive logging with log levels being controlled by dB configuration
Planned Migration Approach
Quadrica Migration – Strengths
- Smooth migration for customers
- No service disruption at any time for the customer
- Customers do not even realize that they have been migrated to a new system
- Migration consistency
- Once a customers and all his contracts are migrated from BSCS no new contracts can be created for that customer in BSCS since it has been already migrated
- Lock customers and contracts just before migration to avoid that changes by CRM are done during the migration
- Eligibility checks: only contracts passing defined eligibility checks can be migrated
- High-performance migration
- Lock and migration of customers and contracts can be done in parallel and within few seconds for each entity
- Extensive logging & security
- Quadrica Migration keeps a log of each and every transaction in the system helping operations teams greatly in problems analysis
- Logging / error reporting is controlled by dB configuration
- use of “select for update” to avoid any deadlocks therefore providing a responsive system
- Graphical User Interface is available
- a graphical interface usable by the CSRs as well as the error handling or operations teams
- internal ERMGUI user management unaligned with BSCS
- each and every operation of each user is logged for security purposes
- Strong and dedicated third level support & professional services
- a focused team of professionals work on the info requests and reported issues round the clock
- professional services team available for any needed customizations
Quadrica Migration – Functions
- CheckEligibilityAndMigrateBP
- ConfirmBillingProfileMigration
- CancelBillingProfileMigration
- CheckEligibilityAndMigrateCO
- ConfirmContractMigration
- CancelContractMigration
- CheckAndMigrateEntitlement
- PrepBillingStructureForMig
- CheckNReactivateCMAContracts
- ProcessContractReactivation
- FinalizeMigSelection
Professional Services for Quadrica Migration
- Trainings delivered on customer sites for educating the operations personnel on the module
- Consulting services for supporting complicated top number pattern definitions and other customer requirements
- Remote support for configuration and troubleshooting
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