- Our client needed to use a new platform called Allegro and based on Hadoop framework for mastering the mobile contracts for CBU customers which are currently mastered in BSCS.
- The client requested this to be a rolling migration controlled by migration agents by means on Excel files to be processed by the application to update and extract information from database
- Challenge: Migrate the customers from BSCS to Allegro using a new approach which allows migration agents to move customer contracts to new platform. While moving the customer to the new platform a new rate plan has to be assigned to each contract by the customer agent.
Answer : Hadoop Migration
- It is designed to allow migration agents to migrate CBU customer contracts to the new Allegro platform.
- Customers to be migrated are selected based on input Excel sheet that have to be processed by the application and perform relevant checks on the input data
- Contracts to be migrated are extracted in specific file formats which can be modified adapting the configuration
- It is has extensive logging with log levels being controlled by dB configuration
Hadoop Migration Overview
Hadoop Migration – Strengths
- User friendly
- The application has been designed to be used with GUI interface and following the specific customer requirements.
- Migration agents, non technical employees, are able to migrate CBU customers by properly filling Excel sheets and using them as input for the procedures.
- Migration consistency
- Lock contracts just before migration to avoid that changes by CRM are done during the migration
- Eligibility checks: only contracts passing defined eligibility checks can be migrated
- Match rate: while locking a customer, the contracts will be locked only if the total rate of the contract that have been successfully locked is greater or equal to a configured match rate otherwise no contract will be locked.
- High-performance migration
- Lock and migration of contracts can be done in parallel and within few seconds for each entity
- Graphical User Interface is available
- a graphical interface usable by the CSRs as well as the error handling or operations teams
- internal ERMGUI user management unaligned with BSCS
- each and every operation of each user is logged for security purposes
- Strong and dedicated third level support & professional services
- a focused team of professionals work on the info requests and reported issues round the clock
- professional services team available for any needed customizations
- Flexible configuration
- The output format can be changed by configuration allowing quick chages and faster response to customer request.
- Extensive logging & security
- Hadoop Migration keeps a log of each and every transaction in the system helping operations teams greatly in problems analysis
- Logging / error reporting is controlled by dB configuration
use of “select for update” to avoid any deadlocks therefore providing a responsive system
Hadoop Migration – Functions
- Hadoop_ConfirmBPMigration
- Hadoop_CheckEligAndMigrateCO
- Hadoop_CheckEligAndAdoptCO
- Hadoop_ConfirmCOMigration
- Hadoop_CancelCOMigration
- Hadoop_FinalizeMigSelection
- Hadoop_CheckAndMigrateEnt
- Hadoop_PrepAbolistForMig
- Hadoop_PrepBillStructForMig
- Hadoop_CheckAndMigrateFI
- Hadoop_CancelFIMigration
- Hadoop_OnHoldCO_S1_Prepare
- Hadoop_OnHoldCO_S2_Dissolve
- Hadoop_OnHoldCO_S3_InformSYM
Professional Services for Hadoop Migration
- Trainings delivered on customer sites for educating the operations personnel on the module
- Consulting services for supporting complicated top number pattern definitions and other customer requirements
- Remote support for configuration and troubleshooting
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